MAPS Group's First Stand-up
From: Blanchfield, Frank [mailto:Frank.Blanchfield@act.gov.au]
Sent: Tuesday, 10 October 2006 4:47 PM
To: Chris Blanchfield (E-mail); Ian Batley (E-mail); Janine Luckman (E-mail); Stephen Wilkes (E-mail); Steve Forbes (E-mail)
Subject: Contacts and availability
I just had a call from Steve Forbes re the fire situation in Canberra over the next few days. He is expecting a total fire ban by Thursday or Friday and possibly a busy time from then on.
Steve would like one or more of us to observe the operations of the control centre during this period. Obviously we do not have sufficient knowledge of operations to contribute much at this stage but Steve feels we would learn a lot by observing during a busy period and may in fact be able to do bits and pieces to help.
Are any of you available at any time Thursday through to say Sunday ?
Steve will call me in the first instance and I will call upon you depending on need and your availability.
Janine: Did you have any joy putting together contact information ? If so please send me a copy of whatever you have.
Frank Blanchfield
ACT Commissioner for Surveys
16 Challis Street
Phone: 02 6207 1965