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ACT RFS Open Day 2015

ACT RFS held its annual Open Day at the Hume Base on Sunday 25 October 2015.    Four MAPS volunteers -  Kate W, Giovanna L, Maree W and David H -  staffed the RFS Community Engagement exhibit throughout the day.  This exhibit, located at the public entrance to the display, featured two large-screen touch panels displaying ESA's Internet-published interactive street map of Canberra overlayed with Bushfire Prone Areas.    


The MAPS vols role was firstly, to ask each family group of Open Day visitors if they were Canberra residents, and if so, would they care to check if their home was located in a Bushfire Prone Area.   Then, if the family wished to proceed, to pan and zoom the map until their home was visible. Finally, if they were in a high-risk area, to explain the significance of that fact, and advise them about the RFS Prepare-Act-Survive program and where to go in the Open Day display for more information.  


(You can view the Bushfire Prone Area map yourself by opening  

then clicking the Regional Bushfire Prone Areas link.)



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